Toby Hadoke’s Time Travels is a series of podcasts all related to Doctor Who (the latest episodes are listed here, but click on the link to get the whole feed):
Happy Times and Places is a positive episode commentary in which a friend has challenged me to see if I can work out what there favourite things about a particular story are. This is available as a video in my You Tube channel and as an audio podcast.
Omnibus – The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
Indefinable Magic is a series of occasional whimsical essays which ponder upon an arcane or very personal aspect of Doctor Who : part QI, part Though for the Day, part Letter from America, it’s got a very broad remit. Sometimes it’ll be an exercise in nostalgia, sometimes a very geeky thesis, sometimes a stream of consciousness set of observations : but always, hopefully, quite jolly.
15. Your Name Will Also Go On The List
Too Much Information is an episode-by-episode breakdown, in great detail, of the Who, What and When of Doctor Who. Insanely detailed, it gives tell you all the essential information, and quite a lot that isn’t, about the development of the show and the people who made it.
2.7 The Rescue (The Daleks episode 7)
(Far) Too Much Information is the stuff that as too geeky even for Too Much Information, This is hardcore and for patrons only, but here’s a bonus taster episode whichc delves into the stories of the schoolkid extras from the very first episode:
FTMI BONUS – Class of ’63 Revisited
You can play the episodes (bar (Far) Too Much Information) from iTunes, Podbean, Apple Podcasts and more. Advance releases are available on the Patreon page.