It’s Psoriasis Awareness Week (28th October – 3rd November 2019).
I haven’t updated my Psoriasis Blog for a while because there’s not been much change – the usual ups and downs but generally I’m doing well thanks to my treatment regime of biologics. I’m seeing my consultant every six months just to monitor things – my blood sugar is a bit high but that’s because I have started eating biscuits and sweets now that I’m off the booze, and my Vitamin D is low because I’m a hermit who sits in darkened rooms watching Doctor Who. So I need to kick the sweets into touch and gambol in a sunny field if I want to reach peak health but it’s generally an improvement (see previous entries for the up-and-down journey unto this destination)
So I’ll just give the headlines for now :
- If the creams aren’t working ask your GP to refer you to a consultant – or certainly to explore other medications.
- There isn’t a cure for psoriasis but it’s certainly more a manageable than anyone ever told me in my first 20 years with the condition.
- Boringly , things like diet and exercise do make a difference. That said, there’s no clinical proof that avoiding certain foods etc, makes a huge difference (although there are lots of individual anecdotal examples so don’t sniff at it if something works). What is certain though is that keeping healthy lessens the condition’s ability to get a hold of you.
- The mental health ramifications of this are huge. Do not be afraid or ashamed of this, and maybe try getting some hep. Being aware that you can trace dark feelings back to your psoriasis is helpful in the management of both.
- It’s not as painful as it looks. It’s actually more painful than it looks.
- I could look pretty normal to most people, but under a layer of clothes my body can be a battleground. Ow!
This year’s Psoriasis Awareness Week is all about its connections with childbirth and pregnancy, so not exactly in my area of expertise. But The Psoriasis Association have produced some useful information, which you can read and download here.