I think I had planned to end the who run of releases of Toby Hadoke’s Who’s Round with the extremely popular Russell T Davies interviews but they have been in the can for nearly two years and the timings meant that if give them to you now then Mr Davies would take us all the way up to episode 150. I like things to fit together neatly as much as the average person who has colour coded charts assimilating the Virgin books into season 6b via various concurrent UNIT dating theories does, so I am quite happy about it all.
When he utters his last words to me at the end of next week’s, that will be the end of every sentence I recorded under the Who’s Round banner in 2013. Job done, every story covered – though with a question mark over Vincent and the Doctor and a slight worry that I forgot to cover The Sea Devils but then did so inadvertently (though this might just be an issue for me and my colour coded charts and the rest of you might well just be enjoying the interviews without having to make a list – you weirdos).
Anyway – remember that Mr Davies gave his time (so, so much of his time) for charity, so don’t forget to donate to The Terence Higgins Trust.
Episode 49 of Toby Hadoke’s Who’s Round is available, for free from Big Finish.
And I would like to add a personal note of congratulations to Ian Atkins and Esther Simpson of the occasion of their wedding this week. Ian is the fellow who works very hard to get the episodes online and does all the technical stuff with great enthusiasm. Lots of love to both and here’s to years and years of happiness together!