William Hartnell
An Unearthly Child (Waris Hussein #6)
The Daleks (Clive Doig #12 Brian White #47)
The Edge of Destruction
Marco Polo (Waris Hussein #6, Philip Voss #46)
The Keys of Marinus (Special #11)
The Aztecs (Ian Cullen #4)
The Sensorites (Ilona Rodgers #42)
The Reign of Terror (Clive Doig #12)
Planet of Giants (Clive Doig #12)
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (B Kay #18)
The Rescue (Maureen O’Brien #95)
The Romans (Dorothy-Rose Gribble #79)
The Web Planet (Richard Martin #80/105)
The Crusade (Bernard Kay#18, V Ritelis#26)
The Space Museum (Glyn Jones #3, Jeremy Bulloch #77)
The Chase (Richard Martin #105)
The Time Meddler (Norman Hartley # 122)
Galaxy 4 (Clive Doig #12)
Mission to the Unknown (Edward De Souza #88)
The Myth Makers (Barrie Ingham #16)
The Daleks’ Master Plan (Vik Ritelis #26)
The Massacre (Fiona Cumming #23, David Weston #33)
The Ark (Terence Bayler #74)
The Celestial Toymaker (Bill Sellars #119)
The Gunfighters (Matthew Jacobs #43, William Hurndell #73)
The Savages (Peter Thomas, Andrew Lodge#15)
The War Machines (Margot Hayhoe #53)
The Smugglers (Derek Martin #115)
The Tenth Planet (Alexandra Tynan #130)
Jon Pertwee
Spearhead from Space (C Rawlins #19, Prentis Hancock #129)
Doctor Who and the Silurians (Christine Rawlins #19, Sue Upton #49)
The Ambassadors of Death (Christine Rawlins #19, Gordon Sterne #22, John Moreno #40, Margot Hayhoe #53)
Inferno (Christine Rawlins #19, S Upton #49)
Terror of the Autons (Margot Hayhoe #53)
The Mind of Evil (Derek Martin #115)
The Claws of Axos (Bernard Holley #41)
Colony In Space (Bernard Kay #18)
The Daemons (Sue Upton #52)
Day of the Daleks (Valentine Palmer #10)
The Curse of Peladon (David Troughton #60)
The Sea Devils (Tony Miller #113)
The Mutants (Fiona Cumming #22)
The Time Monster (Sue Upton #52)
The Three Doctors (Rex & Pat Robinson #45)
Carnival of Monsters (Terence Lodge #116)
Frontier In Space (Ray Lonnen #27)
Planet of the Daleks (Prentis Hancock #129)
The Green Death (Colin Mapson #22)
The Time Warrior (Marcia Wheeler #84/108)
Invasion of the Dinosaurs (George Gallaccio #131/132)
Death to the Daleks (Joy Harrison #123, Tim Humphries #120)
The Monster of Peladon (Rex Robinson #45, Marcia Wheeler #84/108)
Planet of the Spiders (John Kane #65)
Peter Davison
Castrovalva (Fiona Cumming #22)
Four To Doomsday (Paul Shelley #38)
Kinda (Anne Faggetter #133, Matthew Waterhouse #96)
The Visitation (Anthony Calf #114)
Black Orchid (Roger Limb #48)
Earthshock (June Bland #118)
Time-Flight (Matthew Waterhouse #96)
Arc of Infinity (Roger Limb #48)
Snakedance (F Cumming #22, Bob Mills #29)
Mawdryn Undead (Stephen Garlick #109)
Terminus (Roger Limb #48)
Enlightenment (Fiona Cumming #22)
The King’s Demons (Sue Upton #49)
The Five Doctors (Keith Hodiak #127)
Warriors of the Deep (Tara Ward #27)
The Awakening
Resurrection of the Daleks
Planet of Fire (Fiona Cumming #22)
The Caves of Androzani (Martin Cochrane #7)
Sylvester McCoy
Time And the Rani (William Dudman #14)
Paradise Towers (Ian Fraser #24)
Delta And the Bannermen (Dudman #14)
Dragonfire (Moore/Mansfield #1)
Remembrance of the Daleks (Ian Fraser #24)
The Happiness Patrol (Moore/Mansfield #1)
Silver Nemesis
The Greatest Show In the Galaxy (Chris Jury #86, Chris Guard #89) Battlefield (Moore/Mansfield #1, Dorota Rae #109)
Ghost Light
The Curse of Fenric (Stephen Moore/Susan Mansfield #1, Fraser #24)
Christopher Eccleston
Rose (Russell T Davies #50)
The End Of The World (Zoe Wanamaker #30)
The Unquiet Dead (Russell T Davies #50)
Aliens Of London/World War Three
Dalek (Russell T Davies (#50)
The Long Game (Russell T Davies #50)
Father’s Day
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (RTD #51)
Boom Town (Russell T Davies #51)
Bad Wolf/The Parting Of The Ways (Nicholas Pegg #39, Russell T Davies #51)
Matt Smith
The Eleventh Hour (Arthur Darvill #57)
The Beast Below
Victory Of The Daleks (Nicholas Pegg #39)
The Time Of Angels/Flesh And Stone (Steven Moffat #100)
The Vampires Of Venice (Arthur Darvill #57)
Amy’s Choice (Arthur Darvill #57)
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood (Arthur Darvill #57)
Vincent And The Doctor (Steven Moffat #100 – ahem)
The Lodger (Ben Peyton #34)
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang (Simon Fisher-Becker #32)
A Christmas Carol
The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon
The Curse Of The Black Spot
The Doctor’s Wife
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
A Good Man Goes To War (Dan Starkey #35, Simon Fisher-Becker #32)
Let’s Kill Hitler
Night Terrors
The Girl Who Waited
The God Complex
Closing Time
The Wedding Of River Song (Simon Fisher-Becker #32)
The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe
Asylum Of The Daleks (Nicholas Pegg #39)
Dinosaurs On A Spaceship (S Metzstein #13)
A Town Called Mercy (Saul Metzstein #13)
The Power Of Three
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Snowmen (Saul Metzstein #13, Dan Starkey #35)
The Bells Of St John
The Rings Of Akhaten
Cold War
Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS
The Crimson Horror (Saul Metzstein #13, Dan Starkey #35)
Nightmare In Silver
The Name Of The Doctor (Saul Metzstein #13, Dan Starkey #35) |
Patrick Troughton
The Power of the Daleks
The Highlanders (Fiona Cumming #22)
The Underwater Menace (Alexandra Tynan #130)
The Moonbase (Alexandra Tynan #130, Frazer Hines #91)
The Macra Terror (John Davies #62, Ann Faggetter #133, Terence Lodge #116)
The Faceless Ones (Bernard Kay #18)
The Evil of the Daleks (Roger Bunce #69/104)
The Tomb of the Cybermen (Bernard Holley #41)
The Abominable Snowmen (Malcolm Middleton #78)
The Ice Warriors (Sheenagh Wreyford #36)
The Enemy of the World (Tony Millier #113, David Troughton #60)
The Web of Fear (Paul Cole #12)
Fury from the Deep (William Dudman #14, Margot Hayhoe #53)
The Wheel In Space (Marcia Wheeler #84/108)
The Dominators (Philip Voss #46)
The Mind Robber (Christopher Robbie #20, Hamish Wilson 51)
The Invasion (Norman Hartley #122)
The Krotons (Frazer Hines #91)
The Seeds of Death (Martin Cort #11)
The Space Pirates (Peter Neill #47)
The War Games (Vernon Dobtcheff #31, Terence Bayler #74)
Tom Baker
Robot (Bernie Newnham #47)
The Ark in Space (Rodney Bennett #112)
The Sontaran Experiment (Glyn Jones #3, Rodney Bennett 112, Roger Murray-Leach #134/135)
Genesis of the Daleks (Tony Millier #113)
Revenge of the Cybermen (C Robbie #20)
Terror of the Zygons (George Gallaccio #131/132)
Planet of Evil (Roger Murray-Leach #134/135, Prentis Hancock #129)
Pyramids of Mars (George Gallaccio #131/132)
The Android Invasion
The Brain of Morbius (Les McCallum #87)
The Seeds of Doom (John Challis #111)
The Masque of Mandragora (Rodney Bennett #112, Les McCallum #87)
The Hand of Fear (Rex Robinson #45)
The Deadly Assassin (Susan Moore #1)
The Face of Evil (Susan Moore #1)
The Robots of Death (Brian Croucher #83)
The Talons of Weng-Chiang (Roger Murray-Leach #134/135)
Horror of Fang Rock (Rio Fanning #67)
The Invisible Enemy (Edmund Pegge #37)
Image of the Fendahl (Derek Martin #115)
The Sun Makers (Adrienne Burgess #7)
Underworld (John Leeson #90)
The Invasion of Time (Colin Mapson #22)
The Ribos Operation (Prentis Hancock #129)
The Pirate Planet ()
The Stones of Blood (John Leeson #90)
The Androids of Tara (Doreen James #25)
The Power of Kroll (Philip Bird #110)
The Armageddon Factor (Sue Upton #49)
Destiny of the Daleks (Tony Osoba #9, Peter Straker #28))
City of Death (Doreen James #25)
The Creature from the Pit (Geoffrey Bayldon #117)
Nightmare of Eden (Rob Goodman #68)
The Horns of Nimon
The Leisure Hive
Meglos (Crawford Logan #72)
Full Circle (Andrew Smith #2)
State of Decay (Terrance Dicks #55)
Warriors’ Gate (David Weston #33)
The Keeper of Traken (Roger Limb #48)
Logopolis (Margot Hayhoe #53)
Colin Baker
The Twin Dilemma (Kevin McNally #5)
Attack of the Cybermen (Nicola Bryant #47)
Vengeance On Varos (Philip Martin #64/70, Jason Connery #70)
The Mark of the Rani (William Ilkley #17)
The Two Doctors (Frazer Hines #91)
Timelash (Nicola Bryant #47)
Revelation of the Daleks (Roger Limb #48, Colin Spaull #106)
The Trial of a Timelord:
The Mysterious Planet (Lynda Bellingham #71/85, Dominic Glynn #66)
Mindwarp (Philip Martin #64/70)
Terror of the Vervoids (Rob Godman #68, Lynda Bellingham#71/85)
The Ultimate Foe (Ian Fraser #24)
Paul McGann
The Only One With Paul McGann In It (Matthew Jacobs #43)
David Tennant
The Christmas Invasion (Russell T Davies #51)
New Earth (Zoe Wanamaker #30)
Tooth and Claw (Russell T Davies #52)
School Reunion (Russell T Davies #52)
The Girl in the Fireplace
Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
The Idiot’s Lantern
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
Love & Monsters
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday (Nicholas Pegg #39)
The Runaway Bride
Smith and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks (Nicholas Pegg #39)
The Lazarus Experiment
Human Nature/The Family of Blood
Blink (Ian Boldsworth #44)
Utopia (Robert Forknall #8)
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime
The Fires of Pompeii
Planet of the Ood
The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky (Dan Starkey #35)
The Doctor’s Daughter
The Unicorn & the Wasp (David Quilter #21)
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Turn Left
The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End (Nicholas Pegg #39)
The Next Doctor
Planet of the Dead
The Waters of Mars
The End of Time (Dan Starkey #35)
Ones I Didn’t Have To Do But Have Done Anyway
Doctor Who And The Daleks (film)
Shada (Daniel Hill)
K-9 And Company (Gillian Martell)
A Fix With Sontarans (Gareth Jenkins)
Dimensions In Time (David Roden )
Death Comes To Time (Johnny Candon #47)
An Adventure In Space And Time (Mark Gatiss #98)
The Day Of The Doctor (Steven Moffat #100)
The Time Of The Doctor (Steven Moffat #100)
The Five-ish Doctors Reboot (Steven Moffat #100)
Night Of The Doctor (Steven Moffat #100) |
Hi Toby,
I’ve loved the series, keep them coming!
Peter Miles is a friend of mine and would be happy to be interviewed, about his stories. If you’re interested let me know and I can put you in touch with him.
I don’t know if you realize how much I truly appreciate the interviews that you have done. The connection to Doctor Who is fine, but it’s wonderful to hear about the career of these wonderful actors, and also it’s so impressive how knowledgable you are about the acting world. I has been great to listen to every one. I guess one favor that I would ask, could you put together a list of all the charities that the actors have listed…….I don’t know if I will get around to it, but I would love of donate to each and every charity. I you list them all, it will take away my excuse to do it.
Again, I really don’t know whether you understand how special this has been. I’m an American, so I’m not up on everything British (except for what we get on our public television channel), but you have made every interview come alive, and I think it’s been special to you, but also to all the actors that you’ve interviewed, it’s clear that they really enjoyed there time with you. Thanks again, and if I can get to England (I live in Germany, at least for 6 more months), hopefully I can make a show.
Lucian Lesage
These podcasts have been a pleasure to listen to, Toby.
Thanks Sergio – the full extra Waris Hussein one will definitely be released at some point: John Gorrie too. They are edited and ready to go.
Loving the Who’s Round podcasts Toby – full of fun and convivial charm and some really great anecdotes – I really hope you will be able to post the full session with Waris Hussein. Thanks.
Hello Toby,
Very much enjoying the “Who’s Round” podcast currently, and loved “Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf”. This is probably a stupid question, but has Sean Pertwee ever been interviewed about his dad’s work on Doctor Who? I imagine he’d be an interesting person to talk to, if he were up for it.
I have seen the odd cursory interview in, say, Radio Times and things but he has certainly turned down appraoches to partake in documantaries.
I was fairly sure Sue and Steve talked about working on the Tetraps in Time and the Rani so that’s another one to mark off!
Hello Toby,
Very much enjoying the ‘Who’s Round’ podcasts from down here in Melbourne, Australia (and also ‘Running Through Corridors’, which I happen coincidentally to be reading at the moment).
I have an interviewee suggestion for you, in the ‘pretty sure nobody will have interviewed him about the show before’ category.
Robyn Williams, who hosts ABC Radio National’s weekly ‘Science Show’ here, has mentioned on various occasions that, when he was a student in the late 60s/early 70s, he appeared (presumably as an extra) in a couple of Doctor Who stories (as well as Monty Python’s Flying Circus and The Goodies, among others). He seems to be quite pleased with this fact, as he’s mentioned it on numerous occasions. For example:
And he seems to have very positive feelings towards the series, even if he isn’t a ‘proper’ fan. A recent episode of the ‘Science Show’ was structured around a number of excerpts from ‘An Unearthly Child’ (and included a frankly bizarre mock-interview with someone pretending to be an Oxford fellow who studied with the Doctor).
So given that, as far as I know, he hasn’t been interviewed about Doctor Who before, plus the Goodies/Monty Python angle as general ‘classic TV’ interest, I thought he might be a good candidate.
Anyway, just a suggestion. If you don’t take it up, I understand completely!
Thank you very much for your work on the podcasts to date — the quality of the content trumps any minor niggles people might have with the technical side of things.
And I’m keeping an eye on your gig list in case there happen to be any performances of your shows coming up in August, when we’ll be visiting relatives in the UK!
Loved the interview with Glyn Jones. Not mentioned in the interview, but I’ve long felt that Space Museum is one of those rare classic stories that could be remade today and no (or very little) change in tone. Great twist about jumping time, that would totally work with Smith’s Doctor too.
Thanks for doing these interviews!
Hi Toby.
I met you once at a screening of the special edition of Day of the Daleks. My parents and I are old friends with Barrie Ingham from the myth makers and also the first Dalek film, two birds with one stone. I’d be happy to put you both in touch. He’s a lovely old chap and I’m sure he’d be happy to speak to you. Let me know if you’re interested.